Quote Originally Posted by Hustle View Post
So, if I've read all the forums correctly, I think that means that I should comment here if I want to jump in on the Guildcity map... Right?

Are there any teeny tiny pieces leftover that can be assigned? I'm talking real little. Slums, farms, maybe a derelict section of town. Something easy to overlook.

EDIT: I know that I'm supposed to choose 4 sections of priority, but my request is geared toward a partial section, perhaps an alcove or something. If necessary, I can certainly pick a few numbers that look less daunting in scale.
Hey Hustle,

I don't have any smaller section pieces, but if you look at a section and think it's an area you would like to fill up some, just let me know.
Maybe if you feel like you may not want to draw a large city section, maybe you could show part of it is destroyed, maybe by a dragon or something.

Edit - If you really want a section broken down to smaller size, I can do that.