Hello all,
I am going to be running a new D&D campaign and would love to commission a nice map to hand the players.

Reference map: http://imgur.com/a/fCftX

My idea is that the map I give them would be drawn by a real person in the world who did some initial scouting of the island by boat. The map drawer never went above the red lines due to dragon sightings so the top of the map would be completely empty and ideally would have dragons on the map as a warning. A blue dragon on the left and a black on the right.
In the bottom right section i don't want any of the towns or road markers, however I do want the wall that separates' the peninsula from the main island.

I know I could provide the players the map I shared above but I'm hoping to achieve 3 things with your map
1) not have the hex grid overlay
2) not maintain proper proportions (keep in mind this was explored and sketched by boat only)
3) look cooler

Anyway I hope I've made myself clear on what I want, otherwise feel free to ask questions.
If you are interested please let me see some reference work and let me know about what you'd be charging.