Okay I don't want to write an essay to get through, so I'll try to keep this pretty short and sweet.

I think for many people 2016 wasn't the best of years, or was a strange year at least. I can honestly say that my 2016 wasn't great at all, with many weird negatives seeming to happen without many positives. I do try to stay optimistic through all of this though, and I just wanted to say that it's been exactly a year ago today that I joined the Guild and first started mapping.

I've definitely learnt a lot about maps, software, techniques and though sometimes it can be frustrating and pieces don't always get finished, it's still been a real joy to be a part of this community. I know I don't always join in all the conversations, and I read a good many that I'm not a part of, and I know it's said a lot, but everyone on here really is always supportive and friendly.

I hope I've managed to help other people out with their mapping along the way, as other have certainly helped with mine, whether from the tutorials, my own threads or just the little nuggets that pop up so often along the way.

Basically, all in all, what I want to say is, 2016 wasn't a great year, but mapping and this community in general were certainly a bright light in it all that helped me get through it. A year ago today, I certainly didn't expect to have got so into mapping and developed my skills so far, so I want to thank everyone who's been a part of that journey, who helped and inspired me along the way, and no doubt will continue to do so for many others.

I feel like I should end this post with a anniversary map or some such, but, alas, I don't have a map to celebrate, so here is a picture of my little corn snake, Tang, who is the real winner of the continuing COCONUT WAR...so ChickPea just know if you steal those coconuts, you're stealing this little girl's house...

That's all. Have a great day everyone!