Hey folks, long long long LONG time no see.

When last I was here it was 2011 and I was just some guy posting the occasional hand-drawn map to my blog.

These days, the style of those maps is generally referred to as "Dyson-style" and there are a number of cartographers using it.

So, I thought I'd show up for this whole Mapvember thing. I'll be posting photos of my work in progress pieces as I finish them, and then over the coming months (if I stick to it), I'll post the finalized versions of these same maps after they've been scanned and cleaned up a bit in post.


The first cue for Mapvember this year is "Beacon". And immediately I'm off to a rough start because I don't normally post maps I'm unhappy with... and it turns out it is HARD to free-hand a long spiral. So I'm kind of unhappy with the spiral in this one. I think I'll add some shading to it to take emphasis away from the rough lines and to add some sense of height. But we'll see.