I hope to encourage everyone on the forum with my experience selling my artwork and pursuing this interest as a business.

I have been pursuing a side business in roleplaying games since August. In fact, I joined the July/August Lite Challenge with the intent of creating a product to sell. Then I skipped the August/September challenge to focus on getting my map ready to sell. Now that I've created the product templates for my maps, I can quickly get a finished map into product form. Currently, I have two maps for sale at DriveThruRPG.com and a third that is in product form but I'm giving away for free as a newsletter signup incentive. The first map is the Giant Hunters Hideout (from the July/August challenge) and the second is Dracula's Castle (which I hope I submitted in time to be included in the Horror sale!). I only have sold about 6 copies each, but I have done zero on the marketing side. So my next step is to start to develop my email newsletter marketing and eventually drive traffic to sell maps from my own website.

Anyway, I am starting small but I just wanted to encourage anyone who has considered marketing their maps to give it a shot! It's not exactly "easy" but with some diligence and hard work I think it is attainable!

For those who have sold your artwork, what has your experience been? If you have wanted to but haven't yet, what's holding you back?

Thanks again for the supportive community here!