So I've been binge designing star ship deck plans over the past year. The 600 ton Heavy Corsair star ship was the last one I posted here. Well here's what I've created since:

The Crusader class Close Escort star ship serves as the workhorse of the Masonic Navy, yes, this is from the fleet operated by the Interstellar Brotherhood of Freemasonry. The crew members that crew the ship are all members of the Order of the Knights Templar - this is a Templar ship.

About 20 years ago, a rich find of industrial metals was found in a remote star system by one of the smaller megacorporations, Cryodyne. The find was so rich, that larger corporations, whom that firm owed monies to, pressed their own warships into the system to claim it for their own. Events leading to a major war among 3 megacorporations. In order to avoid hostilities, and Cryodyne knowing they would ultimately lose, the CEO was a member of the Masonic brotherhood and was sure that the CEOs of the two larger companies were also members, so the Cryodyne CEO claimed the planet and star system to the Order of Freemasonry - which not only precipitated a hot war, the Masons were to grow to a major interstellar power with this claim. Since that time, various orders have built full scale replicas of the Pyramid of Giza, King Solomon's Temple, the Hagia Sophia and other great structures, especially cathedrals of old Earth and rebirthed the Masons to greater power than it ever had. The Knights Templars became the defensive arm of the Masons of this star system.

In the top deck (first image shown) is a worship chantry with alter at the center. The last image is the ship's boat found in the cargo hold of the lower deck, which contains a modular armored ATV in the front section.

