Hey folks! Again, I apologize for the long silence. RL has been busy and I started my Curse of Strahd campaign and I had to focus my free time on prepping the adventure and setting up everything in Roll20. I'm also about to be travelling on a photography road trip for the next week, so I won't be able to get much work done for a while, so I'm about to try to benge work on this map. I know I've got a long way to go, but it WILL be finished! Anyway, on with the update...

I would like some feedback on the torch glows. I'm fine with the torches at the entrance doors. I did those differently. I'm wondering about the interior torches (as shown below). I'm not sure about the glow. I can do the torch without the glow if it is too distracting. I think it looks pretty good, but I'd like a second opinion.

Please comment and critique. All feedback is welcome! Thanks!
