I believe that even if the criteria of voting are established and analyzed and listed as in a code of law, the choice on how to apply them would always largely be a subjective task, left to the sensibility, culture and personal tastes. We should relinquish the idea of objectivity when voting, because even the strongest effort to be fair in this kind of matters is always influenced by personal views of things.

Surely, it can help to publicly write the reasons for the vote (which I try to do when I have a bit more time, even if the linguistic barrier is a heavy burden to me) but it can take a long time so it’s not always possible.

The best thing is to live everything with a light heart. It’s fun to compete, it’s fun to win, it’s even fun to lose if you can enjoy the spirit of joining a challenge meant to give you a pleasant time spent to create something, to talk to other people and to improve oneself.