After lots of reading through the tutorials section, I've decided to actually give mapmaking a new try and redo a very, VERY old (and seriously awfully inaccurate) map of the country of Santhieen, which is the main location of my book project.

The first map, done very quickly in a notebook, looked like this :

Yeah... Let's just forget about that one and just move on. I decided to whip out Krita (this program is absolutely wonderful, I'd never tried it before) and do a quick sketch of where and how I wanted things. This is what I got :
santhieen map sketch.png

Thank God. Much better, but as I'm a noob when it comes to mapmaking, don't hesitate to tell me if I have to change things !

I've only finished the coastline for now (whitout the little wiggly waves around it) so I'm waiting for any feedback and criticism you guys can give me. I might just size it down a bit so I can leave some space for the key and a frame. Also, the Northern Steppes seem empty on my sketch, but it's simply because it's a desert. I suppose I should have added a few dunes here and there...
santhieen map coastlines.png
### LATEST WIP ###