This month's challenge is kind of specific: your goal is to map the interaction between two (or more) sides in a cold war. Not outright war, but the buildup and posturing. How you choose to portray this I leave in your capable hands.

You could do a political map showing all the countries in a region and their alliances; it could be a map representing the deployment of military assets on both sides, on land or at sea or in space; it could be a map showing incidents of spies being caught at the border or industrial sabotage. And don't assume it has to be a map of the real world; you could most definitely do a US-USSR cold map, but equally valid would be a fantasy map of two competing empires (maybe with magical WMDs), or a space cold war, or anything else your fertile little brains can come up with that fits the theme. Ideally, you'd want to put some text on the map or in your thread describing what's going on in the map, but that may not be necessary depending on how good your illustrative story skills are.

As usual, title your threads like so: September 2015 Challenge: < your title goes here >

Also, remember to put this tag in front of each work-in-progress image you post: ### Latest WIP ###

The Challenge will run until October 1st or thereabouts, after which there will be 3 days of voting. The winner gets a magnificent golden compass and three virtual loaves of bread.