Hey, its been a while since I have posted on the forums here but I have a question.

Since recent me and a group of my friends have been playing dungeons and dragons on the regular (since switched to the GURPS system but its the same principle if you don't know much about table top RPGs). I have been playing the role of GM and throughout all of our campaigns we have never used one, concrete world map to illustrate the players positions in the world. I am in the process of making one. Literally to show the position of land nations in an overworld view. I have just made two maps. Each has most of the same nation names but drastically different positions. All I want you to take into account at the moment with these maps (as they are very basic gimp made maps. Just colourized land and water) is the positions of the nations and shape of the land. All I am asking is, which one would be more appealing to you to play in a tabletop RPG setting ? Feel free to ask any questions to help make your decision but I would like a general consensus.

Map 1:

Elsywn world map.png

Map 2:

Elsywen world map 2.png