Newbie not Newbie

New to the site and forums, not new to mapping.

First, the yellow on brown makes it very hard to read the formatting options. Something higher contrast would be useful someone with vision problems - like me.

In addition to historical maps of this world, I'm enjoying maps for the role playing game SKYREALMS OF JORUNE and have been working on a novel - alternatie history with the USNA, involving this change in the US map following a metldown had WWII never happened.


I enjoy historical context with mapping. The book is called A YEAR IN THE AIR and the setting could offer a number of books, and I've considered it for an RPG setting, kind of 2nd Generation Steampunk. TubePunks is the moniker I've been using.

but I look forward to the forums.

And I need to post four more messages before I'm considered "real". I think I'm real already.