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Thread: Export maps from CC3+

  1. #21
    Guild Member Chronist's Avatar
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    Dec 2017


    Good Morning - well it took me a while to get everything in place again. and i figured out something. if I just take a part of the map, say just one room, it doesn´t look so bad:

    but if i save the whole map it makes it very unnice:

    same part as detail out of whole map:
    Detail out of big map.JPG

    here is a screnn of my settings:
    don´t know if i have to bring the resolution more up its on 300pix per inch?

    i didn´t find the RESMODE command and selecting "fixed bitmap quality" with "very high" jet maybe u can help me ;-)

    thnx a lot helping me ;-)
    Last edited by Chronist; 01-05-2018 at 02:13 AM.

  2. #22



    I fail to see what is 'unnice' about the second image?

    It looks fine at 100% zoom. The extract has been greatly enlarged from that original, so it is no surprise that the quality is bad.

    If you want to have the same quality in the whole map as you have in the room you first rendered, then you will have to export a very large map indeed.


    This is a separate observation to the issue of size and resolution. The bitmap fills you are using are designed to be used in battlemaps that are usually exported at a much smaller size than the first map. They look good at that smaller size, which is closer to the second map above, but they start to pixelate if you enlarge them too much, which is beginning to happen in the first map.

    This isn't a fault or a problem. Its just something that you need to be aware of

  3. #23
    Administrator waldronate's Avatar
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    You can enter the RESMODE command directly on the command line. If you're more into using the menu system, View>>Display Speed Settings will get you there.

  4. #24
    Guild Member Chronist's Avatar
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    Dec 2017


    @ mouse thnx a lot for your advise i´m not that good to be bewar of this fact ;-) but ofcourse i try. i don´t care so much about export a very large map which is super sized at the end ;-) but it wood be nice bring the whole guildhouse to one battlemap ;-) maybe i can youse a combination of CC3/DD3 Corle Grafiks or Photoshop or illustrator ;-) i´m confused, becouse if u download the maps and open it with a grafik programm and enlarge it, the Gildhouse-part file is nice and clear. If I convert the whole Guildhouse file into a rectangular section PNG it should be also nice and clear even if, the file is super big ;-) but ok if the bitmap fills we are using are designed to be used in battlemaps that are usually exported at a much smaller size it could be a reason but actually the bitmap fills it self are not bigger its the same map just that i first just pick a part out of it, maybe its a way to save the Guildhouse in 6 different files and bring them togehter in a photoshop ;-)

    @waldronat, thnx i will try this to ;-)

    i keep you up to date

  5. #25


    I didn't explain that very well.

    You can export massive files directly from CC3+. Just multiply the figures you have already entered in the options box

    Depending on the size of your computer, its actually easier to export a very large file from CC3 than it is to try and manipulate many parts into a similar sized file in PS or GIMP.

    I can certainly export a larger file from CC3+ than I can open in GIMP.

  6. #26
    Guild Member Chronist's Avatar
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    Dec 2017


    Mouse u become my personal trainer here - thnx a lot for your time. i try to figure out which steps i have to go to multiply the figures and what that exactlly means. i think i need a course DD3 for dummies or its maybe becouse my mother tongue is not english or becouse this DD3 is so complex that it just take a while before i understand every part of it ^^

  7. #27


    No worries

    What I meant by multiply those figures is to multiply 3000 x 2400 by a factor of 2 (for example) so that they are 6000 x 4800.

    Just input the new figures and export the map again.

    You don't have to multiply them both by 2. You could use 1.5, or if you want it a bit unnecessarily large, 2.5. 2 should be about right

    And don't worry about the language barrier. I belief a few of the key members of the PF Team are German, so if you end up having to contact them at any point you might find it easer to communicate than you think
    Last edited by Mouse; 01-05-2018 at 07:35 AM.

  8. #28
    Guild Member Chronist's Avatar
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    As long as u have time to explain, its ok for me i pimp up my skill @ dd3 and my english @ the same time .. perfect^^

  9. #29
    Publisher Mark Oliva's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mouse View Post
    And don't worry about the language barrier. I belief a few of the key members of the PF Team are German, so if you end up having to contact them at any point you might find it easer to communicate than you think
    ProFantasys Product Manager Ralf Schemmann wohnt und hat sein Büro im Ruhrgebiet. Wenn Du Hilfe brauchst, schreib' einfach an:

    In besseren Händen kann man kaum sein.

    Servus und ein gesundes neues Jahr!
    Mark Oliva
    The Vintyri (TM) Project

  10. #30
    Guild Member Chronist's Avatar
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    Thanx for the info. at some point i will.
    saving the Map with 4500x 3600 is close to what i want ;-)
    Gildenhaus Erdgeschoß.jpg

    now i can finally start and use the time for the little things - like the furniture, shadows ....

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