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Thread: My First Digital Map - Help please

  1. #1

    Question My First Digital Map - Help please

    Hey everyone. Newbie here.

    I have recently gotten really into drawing maps, and have been watching tutorials on YouTube (which is how I heard about the Cartographer's Guild).

    I just started my first digital map (on Photoshop CC) and thought that before I got too far it might be a good idea to get some feedback on those more experienced than me. Just looking for any tips or references that might help make my map style better. For one thing, I'm not sure I like how I'm representing the buildings/bridge so far.

    So below are all the images. I included the last one so you could get an idea of the resolution (too low).

    My goal for this map is possibly to grow it into a publishable campaign setting. It's a setting I've come up with in a 5e game I'm playing with my wife (who is just starting to get into DnD :)

    FullSizeRender (1).jpg

    Screen Shot 2016-12-28 at 4.16.31 PM.png

    Screen Shot 2016-12-28 at 4.16.38 PM.png

    Screen Shot 2016-12-28 at 4.16.46 PM.png

  2. #2


    Also working on this:

    Screen Shot 2016-12-29 at 2.17.02 AM.png

    Screen Shot 2016-12-29 at 2.17.10 AM.png

    Screen Shot 2016-12-29 at 2.17.18 AM.png

    One thing I'm wondering about is what color rooftops should be...?

    Also, how is the size of the castle? The homes/buildings on the north side of town are supposed to be pretty big (like 4-6 bedrooms) for an idea of the scale I'm going for. I want the castle to be quite large, but not an entire town in and of itself. It houses the royal military, many servants, royalty, large ballroom, horserace track (south) etc.
    Last edited by shamakratos; 12-30-2016 at 12:11 AM. Reason: another question

  3. #3


    I love the screenshot of the castle in your first post. I also like the colors choices you made so far, it works very well. The resolution is a bit low on the general map and I consequently haven't much more to say.
    Anyway, it's looking very promising.

  4. #4
    Guild Novice Muside's Avatar
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    I think the castle is fine, size-wise. For rooftops, you can really get creative. Most of the time you get red tiles because that's the image of what European cities look(ed) like (some of them did), but if you look across the world, you'll see they can be green, golden, black, even opalescent blue (especially in the Far East). It should also be noted that in the Middle Ages roofs usually weren't tiled but covered with straw, so yellow with a golden hue would be appropriate there.

  5. #5


    Your map is wonderful, it definitely has me wanting to adventure there! And I like the coloring too, this is great for your first time!

  6. #6


    Thanks guys

    Making these maps are a lot more time-consuming (though fun) than I thought!

    @Muside - Thanks for the insight on rooftops. I gotta find some examples with the blue roofs in the Far East! I wonder what makes them blue...? Do you know if wood tiling a thing? (That's kinda how I was imagining the roofs here, but I'm not sure where I got that idea...)

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